Friday, January 29, 2010

Rant of Friday 1/29, Carded at Walmart

So I was at Walmart the other day, hanging with my friends having a good time. We were just walking around, suddenly I remembered I have a giftcard let over from christmas. I checked it, it had $25 on it, so i decided, i'm gonna have gonna get a dvd.

I found the perfect dvd, The Hangover, best movie ever by the way. My three friends went ahead of me with their items they wanted to buy, they had no problem. I checked out, with my 3 items, a bag of Pizzera Combos, great snack, a Skor, great chocolate, and The Hangover. The first two went through no problem, but with the dvd, the guy didn't believe I was 17, don't blame him i'm so short. So he asked for my ID, I gave it to him, he asked if it was fake, I yelled at him, if you didn't know I hate it when people are like that, my friends were ready to leave, but I was being held up by the idiot behind the counter.

I don't even see why they have to check people for movies. I mean seriously its not like their drugs or Beer. I understand that the movie is Rated R, but its just a movie, its not like it was rated X. Censorship is the worst thing that America can do. We take out Cuss words, and nudity in all movies that are deemed, family friends, but we leave in all the senseless Violence. I mean seriously, If little Johnny sees someone getting decapitated he is gonna be all right, but god forbid if he hears 'the F word" or 'the S word', oh and he'll be scarred for life if he sees a Woman in all her glory.

I know that that was a bit of a leap but i had to say it.
What do you think about censorship?
Love it, Hate it, Don't Really Care, or do you have an opposing view point to mine?
Seriously Write About It.
Well thats it for Today's Rant

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hey its my first time writing a blog. I am looking to get a different template for my blog, but for now this will do.
Anyone know any where i can find a generator for templates?