Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Well this is my first non ranting post so here it goes.

Apparently Scientists are trying to find ways to stop mosquito's from biting people. First they tried to stop the breeding by sterilizing the males, but now they are Genetically Engineering the Female Mosquitoes to be born with out wings. Its a fact that most boyscouts know, only the Females Mosquitoes bite , (as it is in all species, i'm joking), so by making the females have no wings they are taking away the females main source of food, humans.

Click Here for the Article on this very Interesting piece.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I don't know if anyone here would know what a meme is so I'll explain what it is shortly

A meme is, inshort, a joke that started on the internet and is now a popular topic of discussion on threads all of the interwebs.

I will admit I actually like some of the memes they have out there, such as Philosoraptor, a raptor that is a philospher and makes weird connects like 'if the dollar is truly almighty, why is it disposed of so easily.' I also enjoy Staredad, Advice Dog, Courage Wolf, Insanity Wolf, and Rage Guy.
But my all time favorite is EFG, Epic Fail Guy, he is a guy based off of Fawkes from V for vendetta I believe cause he wears Guy Fawkes mask, but Epic Fail Guy he appears everywhere on the web, and he always fails. In threads on the internet it is common to see, something like, 'if this thread gets Doubles (insert a crazy statement here), but EFG he takes it to the extreme, he posts 'if this thread gets 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34
,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,or 99 then (insert a crazy statement here). But the thread usually always gets double zeros, so he always fails. ITS HILARIOUS.

But there are some Memes that are idiotic. Some guy got famous on the internet because he said a random comment about his sun glasses. Apparently he got in trouble with the law in some way, he got interviewed and the interviewer asked him to take off his shades, and he just said 'No way, They make me look cool.' Apparently that is all that it takes to get famous.

What I really hate is meme that make NO SENSE, though I also love them.

Well i'm done, if you haven't heard of memes then lookem up go to this link,
Anyway, I'm Done, this was just random, so yea, idk if this even made anysense at all to any none Interwebber, but oh well.... I feel like starting a meme. I am gonna call all the people on the internet,Webanauts, idk oh I have an idea, Post down in the comments what you think i should try to make a meme, post a phrase, a word, or something, it can be describing anything, like it could be used to describe idiots, or it could be used to describe stupid blogs like this one.
Post away

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Another Blog Post

This is just gonna be a small post, cause i got work to do in my video production class.
I am just being really annoyed by the people who think they are so much better then anyone else. It is SO ANNOYING! I hate people who do nothing in class other then talking about their 'problems.' Its so annoying, they don't do anything in class, all they do is talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. IT IS ANNOYING, I'M ACTUALLY TRYING TO GET MY WORK DONE.
They talk about random texts they got, random things their boyfriends/bestfriends/ friends/ anyone they ever came in contact with have done.

I had to let it out...

remember this is not my main post look down


I have no idea what to rant about. Well thats not entirely true.

You see it came to my attention, via my friends at a basketball game, that the Dancer's from the game, I believe it was Saturday but it could have been Friday, were kinda inappropriate for 2 of the 3 age groups. My Friends, whom shall remain nameless, we're flipping out because they had 8 year old, I quote,'Shaking their nonexistant goods, asking to be abducted.'

Personally I feel ashamed. The way the girls, girls who attend my church and girls who i was in charge of for VBS, were dancing, girls only 8 years old, dancing like they were in a 18+ club. What really grinds my gears, is that after they were dancing, parents were congradulating there daughters for dancing like that. My friends and I we ranting about it up in the pep band bleachers, and numerous times my friend actually vomitted alittle bit by what they say.

People say America is on the downward spiral, how newer generations have no respect for themselves, how everything for Newer Generations is Provacative. This is proof, we basically sending the message to these little girls that Provacative=Good, and Modesty=Bad.

Well thats it for the first part of the rant, Leave me a comment, tell me what you think, if your sister or someone you know was in the dance team, i'm sorry if it offended you, but i don't think its right, girls under 12 shouldn't be dancing like that.

Love it, Hate it, Couldn't Care Less?
Comment and tell me what you think.
I'm Gonna do another rant on Friday, Febuary 19th, I don't know why, I just feel like it, oh and wish me luck applied for a job at a summer camp.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Twilight rant

Warning: Some readers may have an unresistable urge to do something to me after I'm done, and there will be many times the word, Twitard, is mentioned in this blog.

Explanation: Twitard is someone who is passionate about Twilight. Twitard is just a word that the internet coined to group all the Twilight fans together. The internet also coined the term Narutard, a term used to describe someone who is passionate about Naruto. Pretty much take the first syllable from any book, cartoon, or comic, and add tard and it will be a word used to describe a fan of that.

Here is a Early Week Rant. No one asked me to do this one, I just really want to get this stuff of my chest, and I don't mean my hair.

If I offend anyone for writing this, quite frankly, I don't care.

I have had it with Twilight. I have never been one of those to judge without reading a book. So I actually read Twilight. I don't even see why anyone would read this. It is completely idiotic. The style of writing isn't even good. There are grammer mistakes, the book constantly repeats upon itself. I read the entire series. There isn't even a good plot. If I were to have write Twilight I would added some action into it. I'm thinking a human as a Vampire Hunter in Twilight, and then he comes back in Eclipse. I would have also killed off Rosalie. She was mostly an Ineffectual Character, no one would have missed her.

Now onto those Twitards, who are so passionate about Twilight that they fantasize about Edward, Jacob, Emmet, Carlisle, and whoever else there is to fantasize about. The Twitards who are so in love with the Characters in Twilight, believe that they'll find a guy who is exactly like Edward or Jacob. In essence, Stephanie Meyer, the Author of this Crappy Novel, has given the girls and boys, yes i said boys, who make up the Twitards, that i have been ranting about, False Ideas about love and how the ideal Boyfriend(or Girlfriend) should be. According to Stephanie Meyers all the boyfriends should be mysterious, protective, secretive, have messed up families, and should skip school alot. Meyer's also depicts the best idea for a Girlfriend to be obsessive, completely ignorant, go suicidal if her boyfriend should ever leave her, and that she should be willing to risk everything for one guy. For all the Twitards reading this THAT ISN'T HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE!

I disagree with what Stephanie Meyers has set up. On so many levels. It is completely ridiculous. I'm not gonna explain how all this goes against what I think right now, maybe later.

Ok this is the point that i would like to make: All writers write about their fantasies. So based on this, Stephanie Meyers wants to fall in love with a Sparkling Dangerous Psychopath. She wants to figure out he is messed up. He wants him to stalk her 24/7, watch her during her sleep. Then in book two She wants to accidentally cause a family incident by injuring herself. She wants to figure out that her best friend likes her, that her best friend is a beast, and that she wants to be suicidal by her loved one leaving her.

I am not gonna list all the other things that she lists in her books, too many things to list. Long Story Short, Stephanie Meyers is messed up.

I'm Surprised that I didn't use Twitard a whole lot. So here it goes Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard

Ok there is my opinion.
Leave a comment, Love it, Hate it, Don't Care About It, or have different views then mine,
I'll be happy to hear your opinions.
Also leave a comment saying what you think i should rant about next.
If I like, I'll rant, if I don't who knows.

Friday, February 5, 2010


I got two comments on my last rant. One of them was for me to rant about Obama, here it goes,

Obama being president is actually a good thing. I mean it is giving all the other countries a whole new view about America. All the people i talked to from other countries, which i have talked to alot of people, thought that America was intolerant of different races. The fact Obama is president shows all the countries we support different races. In some regards Obama opened the Floodgates for racial tolerance. I assure you that in 2012 we will have another minority as a candidate, it might be an Asian candidate, a Mexican, or it could be another African-American Candidate. Honestly I think this is great for America.

Now on the topic of Obama being president, he is getting blamed for things out of his control. Almost everyone of the problems that he is being blamed for was caused by former President Bush. The national Debt getting worse, Bush pushed us deeper into it, Obama is trying his best to think of a way to get out of it.

Now the other comment I got about me ranting about things, said I should Rant about people who are telling me what to rant about, even though i told them to tell me what to rant about.

I don't even know how i could rant about that, other then saying I WOULD LIKE MORE PEOPLE TO TELL ME WHAT TO RANT ABOUT.

Well, i'm done with this post
Tell me what you think
Leave a comment whether you liked what i posted, you hate what i said, or your just indifferent.


Monday, February 1, 2010


Hey Guys, I was wondering, i'm sitting here in Video Production Class, i was wondering, If i made a weekly,monthly, or maybe a biweekly, Vlog would you guys watch it?

Some of you might not know what a Vlog is, if you don't a Vlog is just a blog, with videos, basically. If enough people say, why the heck not, i'll make another blogspot and have it completely dedicated to the Vlog.

If you guys say why not, should it be a monthly vlog, probably always gonna be on the 2nd saturday of the month, A Weekly Vlog, Always will be on Every Saturday, Or a Biweekly Vlog, Probably Wednesdays and Saturdays.

This is all up to you guys, seriously, I mean the only downside to a Vlog Starring Me, Rj Feller, is you'll have to look at my ugly mug.
HEck if enough of you want it, i might invite some people in and joke around with them, maybe i'll end up putting them on youtube as a bit of a extracurricular project.
Well Leave A Comment in the Box, and i'll see you guys later.

Oh and this double blog day, will only happen if my Video Production class has a Sub, or on the rare, and i mean EXTREMELY RARE, occasion i actually have my projects done for this class.
Who knows this might just be my thing. you know DOUBLE BLOG MONDAY..... not catchy... i'll think of something.

Weekly Rant?

Do you guys want me to continue with a Weekly Rant?
If you do I'll Take any appropriate suggestions?
I'll Rant about anything,
Don't like Obama, I'll rant about him
Don't like Bush, I'll rant about him,
Don't like school, you and me both, I'll For Sure rant about that.
Don't like Chickens?, well... i'll find a way to rant about them.
Don't like Mrs. Borton?........... can't rant about that, my grade depends on not ranting about her.
Those are just some random ideas off the top of my head
If you want me to rant about something that you really hate
Leave me a Comment.
I'll rant about anything you tell me to, thats appropriate.
I'll rant about it, if you love it, hate it, don't really care for it, heck i'll rant against you if you don't share my view.

Well, I think I am done...... I don't know if you would call this a rant? I mean I named off stuff I'll rant about? I ended kinda ranty like. and I asked your opinion... so I guess this is a rant, about ranting.....
Well Leave Me a Comment on what you think i should rant about. and if you think that this post techniquely counts as a rant... I'm just confused, LATER

PS. after I wrote this, I started ranting to my Video Production class about these two people who won't shut up in class, and when anyone else tries to talk they yell at them telling them to be quiet.... I like ranting

Friday, January 29, 2010

Rant of Friday 1/29, Carded at Walmart

So I was at Walmart the other day, hanging with my friends having a good time. We were just walking around, suddenly I remembered I have a giftcard let over from christmas. I checked it, it had $25 on it, so i decided, i'm gonna have gonna get a dvd.

I found the perfect dvd, The Hangover, best movie ever by the way. My three friends went ahead of me with their items they wanted to buy, they had no problem. I checked out, with my 3 items, a bag of Pizzera Combos, great snack, a Skor, great chocolate, and The Hangover. The first two went through no problem, but with the dvd, the guy didn't believe I was 17, don't blame him i'm so short. So he asked for my ID, I gave it to him, he asked if it was fake, I yelled at him, if you didn't know I hate it when people are like that, my friends were ready to leave, but I was being held up by the idiot behind the counter.

I don't even see why they have to check people for movies. I mean seriously its not like their drugs or Beer. I understand that the movie is Rated R, but its just a movie, its not like it was rated X. Censorship is the worst thing that America can do. We take out Cuss words, and nudity in all movies that are deemed, family friends, but we leave in all the senseless Violence. I mean seriously, If little Johnny sees someone getting decapitated he is gonna be all right, but god forbid if he hears 'the F word" or 'the S word', oh and he'll be scarred for life if he sees a Woman in all her glory.

I know that that was a bit of a leap but i had to say it.
What do you think about censorship?
Love it, Hate it, Don't Really Care, or do you have an opposing view point to mine?
Seriously Write About It.
Well thats it for Today's Rant

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Hey its my first time writing a blog. I am looking to get a different template for my blog, but for now this will do.
Anyone know any where i can find a generator for templates?