Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekly Rant?

Do you guys want me to continue with a Weekly Rant?
If you do I'll Take any appropriate suggestions?
I'll Rant about anything,
Don't like Obama, I'll rant about him
Don't like Bush, I'll rant about him,
Don't like school, you and me both, I'll For Sure rant about that.
Don't like Chickens?, well... i'll find a way to rant about them.
Don't like Mrs. Borton?........... can't rant about that, my grade depends on not ranting about her.
Those are just some random ideas off the top of my head
If you want me to rant about something that you really hate
Leave me a Comment.
I'll rant about anything you tell me to, thats appropriate.
I'll rant about it, if you love it, hate it, don't really care for it, heck i'll rant against you if you don't share my view.

Well, I think I am done...... I don't know if you would call this a rant? I mean I named off stuff I'll rant about? I ended kinda ranty like. and I asked your opinion... so I guess this is a rant, about ranting.....
Well Leave Me a Comment on what you think i should rant about. and if you think that this post techniquely counts as a rant... I'm just confused, LATER

PS. after I wrote this, I started ranting to my Video Production class about these two people who won't shut up in class, and when anyone else tries to talk they yell at them telling them to be quiet.... I like ranting


DBrown said...

rant about obama

T. Coffey said...

Rant about people telling you what to rant even that you told them too.....