Monday, February 8, 2010

Twilight rant

Warning: Some readers may have an unresistable urge to do something to me after I'm done, and there will be many times the word, Twitard, is mentioned in this blog.

Explanation: Twitard is someone who is passionate about Twilight. Twitard is just a word that the internet coined to group all the Twilight fans together. The internet also coined the term Narutard, a term used to describe someone who is passionate about Naruto. Pretty much take the first syllable from any book, cartoon, or comic, and add tard and it will be a word used to describe a fan of that.

Here is a Early Week Rant. No one asked me to do this one, I just really want to get this stuff of my chest, and I don't mean my hair.

If I offend anyone for writing this, quite frankly, I don't care.

I have had it with Twilight. I have never been one of those to judge without reading a book. So I actually read Twilight. I don't even see why anyone would read this. It is completely idiotic. The style of writing isn't even good. There are grammer mistakes, the book constantly repeats upon itself. I read the entire series. There isn't even a good plot. If I were to have write Twilight I would added some action into it. I'm thinking a human as a Vampire Hunter in Twilight, and then he comes back in Eclipse. I would have also killed off Rosalie. She was mostly an Ineffectual Character, no one would have missed her.

Now onto those Twitards, who are so passionate about Twilight that they fantasize about Edward, Jacob, Emmet, Carlisle, and whoever else there is to fantasize about. The Twitards who are so in love with the Characters in Twilight, believe that they'll find a guy who is exactly like Edward or Jacob. In essence, Stephanie Meyer, the Author of this Crappy Novel, has given the girls and boys, yes i said boys, who make up the Twitards, that i have been ranting about, False Ideas about love and how the ideal Boyfriend(or Girlfriend) should be. According to Stephanie Meyers all the boyfriends should be mysterious, protective, secretive, have messed up families, and should skip school alot. Meyer's also depicts the best idea for a Girlfriend to be obsessive, completely ignorant, go suicidal if her boyfriend should ever leave her, and that she should be willing to risk everything for one guy. For all the Twitards reading this THAT ISN'T HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE!

I disagree with what Stephanie Meyers has set up. On so many levels. It is completely ridiculous. I'm not gonna explain how all this goes against what I think right now, maybe later.

Ok this is the point that i would like to make: All writers write about their fantasies. So based on this, Stephanie Meyers wants to fall in love with a Sparkling Dangerous Psychopath. She wants to figure out he is messed up. He wants him to stalk her 24/7, watch her during her sleep. Then in book two She wants to accidentally cause a family incident by injuring herself. She wants to figure out that her best friend likes her, that her best friend is a beast, and that she wants to be suicidal by her loved one leaving her.

I am not gonna list all the other things that she lists in her books, too many things to list. Long Story Short, Stephanie Meyers is messed up.

I'm Surprised that I didn't use Twitard a whole lot. So here it goes Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard Twitard

Ok there is my opinion.
Leave a comment, Love it, Hate it, Don't Care About It, or have different views then mine,
I'll be happy to hear your opinions.
Also leave a comment saying what you think i should rant about next.
If I like, I'll rant, if I don't who knows.


T. Coffey said...


Caci said...

I think you should rant about not having at least a 2 hour delay today!

Anonymous said...

I've never read the Twilight books but I've seen both movies and I thought they were okay. I mean not the greatest thing ever like some people think.

LAllman said...

I liked the Twilight movies, but you're right about the boyfriend and girlfriend visual thing. All romance movies and books are like that anymore. Even in a book, no one can be perfect. So I don't know if you can write a romance novel, and actually make it realistic.

R.Feller said...

I can't rant about not having a 2 hour delay today, because i can't see why we wouldn't. I mean, the roads by my house, down cambridge, near circle k, and the parking lot, they were all clear enough for us to have school. Sorry but, I can't rant about it, I kinda agree with the decision. Anyother ideas for a rant, for next week?

T. Coffey said...
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Eagle #447#! said...

Twilight is the dumbest thing ever. Why waste time reading about somehting that isn't even real. Its just a waste of time and life.

B Philabaum said...

You should really watch some interviews with Stephanie Meyer. She isn't writing about what she wants, she had a dream about it and it sparked an idea. J.K. Rowling thought up the harry potter books while looking at cows i mean come one. And the books are fiction. That means not real. She isn't trying to tell you how to have a relationship she is just writing an entertaing story. I have read the books too and personally i loved them. i couldn't put them down. And she never said that THAT is how your relationships should be. Look at all the dumb books out there and dumb movies, this isn't one. If you look at how famous her books are, obviously almost everyone in the usa disagrees with you. Now i am not a omg edward fan or anything, though i do think Alice is sexy, i do think that too many people like it too much, it was a good series to read and good movies to watch, ONCE. thats all.

B Philabaum said...

Reading is not a waste of time. It is a way to escape the outside world and drama and trouble and fall into another world. People read about things that aren't real to take their mind of what is.

R.Feller said...

Brandon, I hope you meant the actress who plays Alice is sexy, cause if thats what you meant, I agree with you, haha. You do know twilight is mostly popular with teenage, and middle aged women. And as of now for ever 1 man there are 4 women, which thats true, so Obviously the fanbase for twilight would be bigger just because of that fact. And the whole her dreaming of the idea furthers my point. A dream is the brains way of showing what it wants.